Handcrafted Wood Boxes by David Pascoe (1947 - 2018)
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Individually handcrafted from finest exotic and domestic hardwoods
by late David Pascoe

Handcrafted wood keepsake box - Decorative wood box made of Honduras rosewood, maple burl, ebony
Decorative Keepsake Box  M-24


8" x 6-1/8" x 2-13/16"

Honduras Rosewood, Maple Burl, Ebony

Finish - Urethane high gloss finish

Liner- Tan leather bottom liner

Brass hinges


This handsome box is made with the rare Honduras rosewood (Dalbergia Stevensonii) and is notable for its fine color and grain patterns.

Ebony trim and accents with maple burl center piece on the top.

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Handmade wood keepsake box - open view

Handcrafted wood keepsake box - Honduras rosewood box front

Handcrafted wood box - Honduras rosewood box end


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Last updatedMay 19, 2023. Posted October 07, 2010. 
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