Handcrafted Wood Boxes by David Pascoe (1947 - 2018)
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Individually handcrafted from finest exotic and domestic hardwoods
by late David Pascoe

Handmade wood box - Decorative wood keepske box made of ziricote with spalted maple top
Medium Large Keepsake Box ML-32


11-3/8" x6" x 3-5/8"

Ziricote, Spalted Maple

Finish - Polished acrylic lacquer

Liner - Suede leather bottom liner

Brass hinges

Gold plated top retainer chain


Bevel top box of shop sawn sizicote (Mexico) veneer 1/8" thick with an inlay of rare black-line spalted maple, and overall finished in machine poloshed acrylic lacquer, a minimum of 10 coats.

The grain pattern of ziricote is known as "landscape" as it often resembles same, and is one of only three woods in the world that exhibits this characteristic.

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Handmade wood box - open view

Spalted maple framed in beveled ziricote box top - Handmade decorative wood keepsake box

Ziricote box front - Handmade wood decorative keepsake box

Ziricote box end -Handmade wood box

Ziricote box end - Handmade wood box

Spalted maple framed in beveled ziricote box top- Handmade wood box


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Last updated May 21, 2023. Posted June 20, 2015. 
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